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Our Workshops

With over 50+ workshops to choose from, we have plenty of ways to inspire people to flourish. We've listed a few of our most popular workshops below, which we can deliver either in-person at your offices or virtually thanks to the awesome power of technology. 

Full Moon

The Science + Art of Sleep

There has been what can only be referred to as a sleep revolution in recent years. Until Covid muscled in on the attention-grabbing headlines just over a year ago, you would have be hard pressed to go one week without sleep being mentioned in the press or between colleagues in the work canteen. We now know that poor sleep can impact everything from cognitive function to muscle recovery, leaving professionals lethargic in body and mind throughout the working day. This webinar has been designed to help you understand what happens in the brain and body while you are asleep. We’ll explore the science behind why we sleep and demystify what sleep actually is by taking a closer look at circadian rhythms, sleep drives and sleep cycles . You will be encouraged to think about how lifestyle factors and habits may influence the quality of your sleep and the impact it may have on your overall performance, health and wellbeing. Lastly and perhaps most importantly, the webinar will explore the art of sleep, including subtle ways in which we can improve both the quality and quantity of our sleep, so that we wake up feeling more refreshed and better able to start the day on the front foot.

Coffee and a Tablet

The Upside of Stress
Redefining our relationship with stress for Peak Performance

Stress is ubiquitous and, to make matters worse, most of us are reminded on a regular basis that it’s bad for our health. Yet, the research findings are mixed. While stress can undermine both our physical and mental health, it can also enhance it. This webinar will explore why we may need to rethink the ‘stress if bad’ mantra that most of us have been brought up to believe. Not least because the belief that stress is harmful to our health might be more harmful than the stress itself.  In this webinar we will explore what stress actually is and what causes it. We will explore the biology, psychology and neuroscience that underpins our mental state and the impact that negative stress has on our ability to perform at our best. We’ll also look at how to redefine our relationship with stress to maximise performance and mental health, by identifying key skills to help see stress through a new lens.

Stressed Man

The Burning Issue of Burnout

Burnout appears to be on the rise amongst overstretched, overwhelmed and exhausted employees. This workshop explores the main causes of workplace burnout and what the key signs to look out for in yourself and others. We look at how overwork can contribute to a vicious cycle of overwork, as well as why less can often equal more. There will be opportunity for people to reflect on their own self-care strategies and what helps them to feel and work at their best. We will also look at what gets in the way of being able to set sustainable boundaries and discuss how to overcome these barriers or at least mitigate the risks significantly. We’ll also work through the importance of creating healthy routines and identifying non-negotiables that can help us perform at our best sustainably.

Running Group


When we think of exercise, our first thought is typically about keeping physically fit. Yet, exercise has a profound effect on our mental health too. If you have ever pondered how some colleagues seem to get more done, in less time, with seemingly less effort and without showing signs ofstress, this webinar will shed some light on what they might be doing differently. Exercise plays a significant role in promoting and maintaining positive brain health and, consequently, positive mental health. Exercise helps us to stay focused, reduces the negative effects of psychological stress and helps us to remain healthier through periods of intense pressure. If you want to know the secret to having bundles of energy, creativity and sustainability, then this workshop is for you. We explore the science and expose the myths behind the difference exercise can really make to your cognitive performance and your ability to thrive. In addition, the webinar will act as a timely reminder of how any of us can incorporate more movement into our day to day lives.

Smiling Woman

Harnessing Positivity

Optimists often get bad press. They’re dismissed for seeing things through rose tinted glasses. Yet, the fascinating thing is that optimists are, on average, far more successful and they also happen to enjoy better health and live longer. We also know from the research that those who err on the side of pessimism are far more likely to develop depression and struggle with motivation. In this talk we’ll explore some of the science that underpins optimism to help explain why optimists often achieve more, including stories of Olympic swimmers, nuns and insurance salespeople. We will also look at what optimism is not and how to avoid some of the pitfalls associated with unbound ‘toxic’ positivity. Finally, we’ll take a closer look at what differentiates the thinking patterns of optimists to those of pessimists, looking at the three Ps of pessimism (personalisation, pervasiveness and permanence). We’ll work though several examples to showcase how to successfully challenge pessimistic thinking and look at other science-backed ways to cultivate greater positivity, which can help reshape the lens through which our brain experiences the world, increasing motivation, resilience and long-term health and longevity.

People at Color Run

Emotional Agility

Emotions can be messy. If we could observe them, they would likely look like a vast array of bright and messy colours that wash over us, and drag us along with them like the flow of a powerful river cascading down a ravine. In the complex and fast paced world we find ourselves in, emotional flexibility is crucial. Yet, it can sometimes be all too easy to get hooked on (and dragged along by) certain ways of thinking or acting that undermine our performance, our relationships and our potential to adapt effectively in the moment. Emotional agility is the capacity to distance ourselves from our emotions and make conscious decisions about how we express and act on those emotions – treating them as data rather than directives. We’ll look at some of the most common ways in which our brain can jump to distorted ways of thinking which can negatively cloud our judgement and decision making. We will also explore emotional agility tools which can help us better navigate the emotional landscape we experience. These tools provide concrete emotional agility skills to more effectively express and regulate emotions and our ensuing behaviours, providing us with greater perspective and a better ability to pivot effectively as the need arises.

Scaling the Rocks

Growth Mindset

Since it was first published in 2006, Dr Carol Dweck’s book Mindset has gone on to sell more than a million copies worldwide and has been embraced by organisations such as Google and NASA, as well as by schools and public institutions. At its core, the concept boils down to one crucial question: do you believe that failure is the limit of your abilities and that your intelligence and talents are fixed traits that cannot be developed further? This workshop will explore how our underlying beliefs about our abilities and the age-old argument of nature vs nurture can influence our self-determination and shape our long-term resilience and success. The session will look at the differences between fixed and growth mindsets, the benefits of adopting a growth mindset in a work context and how this can help reframe people’s relationship with failure as an opportunity for personal growth rather than a reason to give up or stop trying. It will also provide people with the courage to seek and act upon feedback that can help fuel their personal growth and long-term success.

Woman Alone in Forest

The Call of the Wild
The awe-inspiring + healing power of nature

When was the last time you stopped to take in the awe inspiring and healing power of nature? Nature is everywhere, from the air that we breathe to the green spaces that exist all around us, whether in the countryside or the villages, towns or cities where we live. From forests and fields to towpaths and parks, nature is literally everywhere. Despite this, it can be all too easy to take it for granted and miss out on opportunities to connect with it in a meaningful way, thereby missing out on opportunities to bolster our mental health. Our busy work schedules and overstretched minds can prevent us from indulging in the very thing that can give us back a sense of perspective and inner-calm. There is mounting scientific evidence exploring the fascinating link between the time we spend in and with nature and the reduced risk of mental health problems, improved mood and reduced stress. In this webinar we will explore the science that underpins nature’s healing effect on the human body and mind. We’ll also identify key ways to help us reconnect in a meaningful way with nature (including getting the optimum dosage), to help boost our performance, wellbeing and life satisfaction.


The Call to Kindness

At a time of significant uncertainty and turbulence, we have a choice: we can let fear overwhelm us and undermine our sense of resilience, safety and connection to others or we can choose to be led by kindness. While fear can cause an unwelcome ripple effect, tearing at the very fabric that holds our society together, kindness has the power to transform it wholeheartedly for the better. Kindness isn’t simply about doing good. It has the power to help us, and those who our kindness touches, to feel good both mentally and physically. Research shows that kindness can have a profoundly positive effect on our wellbeing and resilience in these challenging times. It can also help us foster a greater sense of connection and belonging. The Call to Kindness brings together the latest research in psychology, biology and neuroscience to demonstrate why kindness (whether towards our self or towards others) has such an important role to play during these uncertain times in bolstering human flourishing. We'll also identify simple actions that we can all implement, which are known to readily strengthen our relationships and help spread greater hope and joy in the lives of those we touch and our wider communities.

Happy Friends

The Science of Happiness

Research has shown that happy people live up to 9 years longer, are more creative, more productive, more resilient and more successful - how does the simple act of being in a positive state of mind achieve such bold results? To find out, we delve into the neuroscience of the brain, our conscious and subconscious mind and explore what drives our happiness. We also look at some of the factors that can undermine it, and the fascinating impact different psychological states can have on our physical and mental health. By identifying the chemical pathways that increase our sense of wellbeing, we have deconstructed happiness and identified some of the essential building blocks that drive it; empowering you with the knowledge and the tools to thrive. The catch? You might have to start enjoying yourself a little more.

Meditating in Nature


Our breath is something we most likely take for granted the vast majority of the time. It is a mostly unconscious process, which we rarely pay much if any attention to. Yet, we probably should. Our breath can provide us with useful insights into our emotional state and, if we choose to engage with it consciously, can tangibly influence how we think and feel. This immersive workshop explores the science of the breath and how it is intrinsically connected to our mind and mental health. We look at awe-inspiring case studies showcasing the power of the breath to relieve stress, anxiety and even post traumatic stress disorder, and physically change the construct of our brain and body to become more resilient and more radiant. There will be ample opportunity to rediscover the power of our breath as we engage in different breathing techniques to restore concentration, clarity and calm. Invariably, one thing the science makes clear is that most of us have forgotten how to breathe effectively. This workshop helps us to understand where we went wrong and how to harness its unfathomable power to help us to flourish.

Business Meeting

“We provide people with the knowledge, tools and skills to thrive” 

+44 (0)207 993 4402

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Wellbeing Republic Limited | Registered in England | Registered no. 09974556 | Registered office: 71-75 Shelton Street, London WC2H 9JQ

Wellbeing Republic and Engage Through Sport are trading names and trademarks of Wellbeing Republic Limited.

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